
Gratitud por los aciertos y los desaciertos  Gratitud por lo manifestado y por todo lo que no fue Gratitud por el placer que me guia y por el dolor que me ensena por donde no es

Twelve advices to whoever needs to hear

✨Meet people where they are 🌱 ✨Do not take anything personally ✨Trust your first instincts🐆 ✨Choose the soul need of being at peace over the ego need of ‘being right’ 😌 ✨Take every experience as an opportunity of learning: everyone is your master. ✨Remember not everything is so damn important! ✨Humour fixes everything. Your drama […]

Ser un ser “espiritual”

Nada mas espiritual que asumir cuando uno se equivoca. Nada mas espiritual que volver a la simpleza del corazón. Nada mas que espiritual que volver a amar y expresarlo libremente, como cuando éramos nines, con inocencia, con la pureza y espontaneidad con la que nacimos que aun vive latente en nuestra esencia, esperando paciente ser […]

About a Lovership

I don’t want you to love me despite my art and my wildness  I want you to love me because of it. Can you handle a free woman? Are you a secure loving man? Do you have in love a stand?   Would you allow yourself to get inspired by my sensuality,  instead of feeling […]

The Ice Bath Poem / Oda a Wimhof

Entro. No hay vuelta atrás  Lo hago por ti, aunque nunca lo sabrás Trabajan mis células sin descansar Acá vamos   Segundos, dolores e inseguridades,  Personajes internos de todas las edades  Hablando cual orquesta sus verdades  Yo escucho   Una rodilla, una mano, un dedo Palpitante siento el miedo Me hago amiga, no lo niego […]

The power of stories

✨The power of the stories ✨ I’m so good at inventing stories. I’m so good that I’m doing it all the time whether I’m aware of it or not…there’s a podcast playing in the background of my head?Sometimes the podcast channel discusses interesting topics. Sometimes it’s just crap. It depends on the mood of the […]

Devotion I’m a child of the Great Mother, Mother Nature She is the true unconditional one She is the one present now and always She is the one offering me an unconditional home, asking absolutely nothing in return. She’s my strongest foundation. She’s my source of worship, My excuse for devotion, the only reason I’m […]

New Age Advice Era

Be an adult. Be a child Find your own peace of mind Choose your battles to fight Ok, I surrender…   Allow confusion. Align in clarity Aspire for maturity Wake up from illusion Got it (I guess)   Discipline but not repression Sadness and not depression Playful yet alert. Bold yet controlled. Can you make […]

Golden Child

Hey there golden child I got your back. Come back to our heart I’m here for you   Hey there golden child It’s Ok to cry. Just don’t lose your hope in the meantime Trust. It will happen…   Hey there golden child She can’t hurt you anymore Don’t look back, Don’t grow old… Time […]

The Hermit

The courage of my vulnerability The bravery of my heart Doesn’t come from my ego-identity It comes from daring to trust God   A character melts through my tears Goodbye my old companion You dont belong in the next adventure Farewell and gratitude for all the conquered fears   Now, be your own light. It’s […]