Twelve advices to whoever needs to hear

✨Meet people where they are 🌱

✨Do not take anything personally

✨Trust your first instincts🐆

✨Choose the soul need of being at peace over the ego need of ‘being right’ 😌

✨Take every experience as an opportunity of learning: everyone is your master.

✨Remember not everything is so damn important!

✨Humour fixes everything. Your drama is actually your comedy🥸

✨Take ownership of all of you, right now. The beautiful and the uggly 💩

✨Your time is your money. Your Health is your wealth💸

✨Be less impress and more engaged🏃🏻‍♀️

✨Choose the pleasure of slowly doing with full presence, over fast productivity, always. 

✨Think less. Feel and act more💃🏻


Cambio y fuera 🌚🌈