New Age Advice Era

Be an adult. Be a child

Find your own peace of mind

Choose your battles to fight

Ok, I surrender…


Allow confusion. Align in clarity

Aspire for maturity

Wake up from illusion

Got it (I guess)


Discipline but not repression

Sadness and not depression

Playful yet alert. Bold yet controlled.

Can you make up your mind?


Feel until the bottom

Don’t identify with autumn.

Spring is here. Time to bloom from within

Except that I’m not a freakin’ flower…


Reach for help. Endure alone

Get out of your comfort zone

Make the effort, then flow. Be sharp yet take it slow

What are you trying to say?


Fake it till you make it

Be honest, Be transparent

Go head and forgive your parents

Really! All over again?


Be confident. Be humble.

Clean your shit. Dream but get real

Drop your mind, just open up to heal.



Divine humanity. Human divinity

Is this acceptance or conformity?

The answer is inside: you are the authority

No way, I’m tired.


Information burnout. Incoherent self-doubt

Instagram what a fraud…

Now my truth is: that to reach God,

you just have to learn to be human.


by Valentina B.