About a Lovership

I don’t want you to love me despite my art and my wildness 

I want you to love me because of it.

Can you handle a free woman?

Are you a secure loving man? Do you have in love a stand?


Would you allow yourself to get inspired by my sensuality, 

instead of feeling threatened by it?

Do you want me for yourself as a trofee to show to the world, 

or are you willing to let your ego truly get burned?


Will you worship my body as a beautiful object, 

or will you make love to my soul because it brings you closer to God?This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs

Are you willing to protect me because you feel I’m yours 

or because I remind you of your own sacredness, as very few have done before?


Is my pleasure yours? 

Has your attachment trauma matured?

Are you rushing to achieve mental goals,

Or relaxing in the journey that in front of us unfolds?


I love every inch of myself. 

I love my darkness too. 

Are you ready to love me in that way?

Are you ready to handle the truth behind our cosmic play?


Here an introduction: I’m intense as the fire

And yet, soft as a spring breeze kissing my paper skin 

Whatever I express, I do it deeply from within. 

The only game I like to play is soul seduction. Shall we begin? Let me give you an induction…


So come and meet me with your open heart and desire,

But do not introduce me to a vibe you cannot maintain. 

I like consistency, 

And I’d discover your game anyway…


I’m not surprised that you want me. 

But I’m only interested if I feel valued.

Your effort is your currency, as my love is my expanding legacy. 

And I’m building my empire.


I dance when I feel sad and I dance to celebrate life. 

I also love to laugh and cry. I sit with my feelings when is time to die, 

Soaking for hours in the ocean is my way of getting high.

I’d need you to share this vibe. It won’t work otherwise…


Also, a healthy warning: I don’t know how to love small.

So if I can’t love you a lot, I can’t love you at all. 

Are you feeling afraid or are you ready to take this call?  

Looking forward to discover you, stranger.