Hello! I Am Valentina

Multipotentialite Artist & Therapist.
My work is diverse and creative. I play and work as a filmmaker, photographer, dancer, and poet, among other things. I’m also a trained therapist. I enjoy providing a healing container for people to improve their human journeys, bringing purpose and joy back into their lives.

More of me

Art Work

“Creativity is God’s gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God” – Julia Cameron

I believe creativity requires faith, to relinquish control and surrendering to a source that wants to express something through you. In that way, my main job is to allow that force to flow, giving it the most honest expression and outcome that I can.



Art can take many forms. I especially enjoy making film pieces because I can integrate different expressions that I love in one artistic unit, charged with intensity, symbols, and meaning through storytelling. I also love telling stories through my body, using dance and movement as my vehicles.

Therapy & Services

Dance Therapy

Dance is one of my main spiritual and creative practices. I dance daily, as it is the most natural and pleasurable way for me to listen to my body, release stuck energy and emotions, and express the stories that are coming from within. I’m interested in different styles such as belly fusion dance, contemporary, contact dance, and flamenco. Occasionally I also hold space for groups of people to move and heal together, and I organize workshops involving movement and mixed arts. I create my own playlists. Borrowing inspiration from 5 rhythms dance waves, I try to convey an emotional/physical catharsis through their journey. Discover more here:


Full body therapeutic massage​

With a background in Reiki from my early 20s, relaxation massage, and more recent studies in Hawaiian massage (Kahuna and Lomi Lomi), I have developed my own style, integrating the best of each practice. My personalized sessions last 1 hour and a half, and are intended to achieve a deep relaxation and rejuvenation of the physical, emotional and mental body of the consultant.

Message me for an appointment.

Medicine Music circles

There’s a particular magic that happens when you meet with people around a bonfire to sing and make music together. A very beautiful intimacy is created, reminding us our inevitable interconnectedness and our oneness with Mother Nature.

That’s why I love to facilitate spaces for Medicine music, to connect brothers and sisters around ícaros, shamanism, rituals, cacao healing ceremonies and any medicine that we can share and borrow from our own traditions. Being a Chilean, I feel a special connection with South American culture and I’m always excited about bringing the music of my indigenous ancestors to my home in India.

English coaching

I believe we learn faster when we are having fun, and when we are genuinely interested in the content we are researching. That’s why in my conversational English classes, I apply a variety of creative coaching methods in a completely customized way, adapting to each client’s requirements and needs. Classes are designed for native Spanish speakers who have already a certain knowledge of the language but may feel a bit shy or blocked from communicating assertively. I aim to guide you in the process of learning English as a second language while providing meaningful tools for your life.

Message me to get a free discovery call. 

Blog & Poetry

Speaking my truth with grace 


His grief

You showed me the light in your eyes And yet I could see through your pain But nothing has been in vain, We needed to

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Una vez más

Llorar sin buscar culpables Sentir sin buscar excusas Bailar a corazón abierto Hablar con el cuerpo. Callar la cabeza Abrazarme el pecho latiente de intensidad

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Just Sit

Am I crying out of forgiveness Or over its sweetness? Am I crying out of grief Or over hope? Does it even matter at all?

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To God

I wrote this poem about a year ago. Today I want to honor the person I was, and celebrate the person I have become, by

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Hey you

Hey you, be proud of your drama Own your water energy Play with her synergy use it for your sadhana.    Hey you, Dont hide

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